by on June 3, 2021


Many features of previous games from the series have already been excluded through the new horizons, therefore, the game may benefit by adding some older features. Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bell is the universal currency in the game to be needed, you can cheaply buy ACNH Bells on One such feature that fans are increasingly impatient with is Brewster with his fantastic cafe. In other Animal Crossing games, Brewster's cafe The Roost is the place where K.K Slider performs, where players can begin to play a cup of coffee.

Nintendo should add Roost back for the museum, as it used to be, or create a completely independent cafe building that players can own on their island. The update must also include things like Tortimer's Island from New Leaf. This may be tropical where players can go maybe with friends-to play mini-games or explore new shops. There is a very not enough places to go into New Horizons, so a very addition will be welcome.

Nintendo may add new stores for characters including Kicks or Label. They can expand the museum with new fish, bugs, art, and fossils. The Nook's Cranny must also see new expansions.

New Horizons could add gameplay updates, for instance, farming-not just pumpkins-or through providing villagers with new activities including hide-and-seek along with mini-games. Also, players Buy ACNH Bells for the decorative island. In general, there must be more interaction together with the villagers: beyond the bugs and fish, there are far more requests and visits to the player's home.

It is a year since launch, and players have noticed all the games currently available on the first day. Animal Crossing must be a game that players can begin to play for many years, fo the time being, a whole new vision of Animal Crossing is along the way. If there is no major update soon, fans will have no reason to continue playing games but will switch to newer and better games.


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