by on January 12, 2023

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As a rule, human health depends greatly on health promotion and disease prevention. These activities contribute to the women’s well-being, life longevity, and reduction of acute and chronic illnesses. This approach allows females avoiding various health complications, as well as premature death. Moreover, this health awareness encourages them to solve health problems through the implementation of promotion, diagnoses, screening, and treatment. Currently, the primary health care system offers different traditional and alternative therapies. Healthcare professionals, collaborating with one another, suggest best treatment modalities to women. However, to achieve better results in their health, females should be aware of their personal responsibility to adhere to the suggestions of doctors. Moreover, in order to be able to preserve health, the female population should be educated in terms of possible healthcare issues. Thus, it is a common fact that health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of women’s diseases can have a positive impact on their health. It means that this activity can detect healthcare conditions at the primary stage, using traditional or alternative therapies.

Urinary Tract Infections

Prevalence, Significance, Screening, and Promotion Needs in Women

Urinary tract infections affect women’s health, damaging their ureters, bladder, kidneys, and urethra. The recent study asserts that they are the most common type of health issue in the female body (Taylor, Moore, Cheung & Brandt, 2018). The symptoms of urinary tract infections may vary depending on its severity, the age, and its location in the intestinal tract. As a rule, patients suffer from burning or pain during urination, as well as have the frequent and painful urination, and many more other issues. Therefore, to eliminate the occurrence of the disease, women should be well aware of possible risks. These challenges can be avoided with regular screening, which may prevent them from different complications. The majority of females in the United States fall under urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, urethritis, and others. Although they are not threatening life but their symptoms cause severe discomfort and interfere with the habitual way of life. According to the research, in the USA, the occurrence of these infections has increased lately by 22 percent (Simmering, Tang, Cavanaugh, Polgreen & Polgreen, 2017). Therefore, it is necessary to take screening services to identify the disease. Moreover, health promotion can modify the women’s healthy lifestyle. Therefore, screening and promotion must become urgent activities, as they contribute to the disease prevention.

Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests are recommended to detect UTIs. Thus, for an early diagnosis, the use of screening test reagents is rather effective. They can determine the presence of leukocyte esterase, nitrite, and protein in the urine (Taylor et al., 2018). X-rays are also common among diagnostic tests. In addition, the test for a leukocyte esterase activity is the most sensitive one; and the test determining the presence of nitrites is considered as the most specific method for the rapid diagnosis of UTI (Simmering et al., 2017). Therefore, various combinations of clinical signs can be used as diagnostic criteria for the early detection of UTI.

Common Treatment

As with other bacterial infections, the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics is crucial when choosing a drug for the empiric treatment of UTI. One of the most commonly used drugs to treat UTI is fluoroquinolones; however, there is currently a rapid increase in the resistance of E. coli to the drugs of this group (Weber & Kelley, 2013). For instance, the duration of treatment of acute cystitis in the absence of risk factors is 3-5 days, acute pyelonephritis includes at least 2 weeks (Taylor et al., 2018). In acute cystitis, phosphomycin trometamol is used only once (Weber & Kelley, 2013). In case of acute complicated UTI or in the presence of risk factors, the same antimicrobial medicine is applied as in uncomplicated UTI, however, the duration of therapy increases.

Traditional Versus Non-Traditional Treatment Options

Typically, some patients prefer to choose alternative methods of treatment or a combination of both. Patients select such areas of medicine as homeopathy, Chinese medicine or naturopathy. For example, chamomile is used to treat cystitis, as it is a natural storehouse of nutrients. Moreover, it has significant healing properties (Weber & Kelley, 2013). Although, alternative medicine can be effective, self-medication can lead to serious harm to health. Therefore, before applying it, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Collaboration with Other Members of Healthcare

In most cases, to make a precise diagnosis and identify treatment modalities a wide range of medical knowledge is required. Moreover, sometimes, doctors hesitate to put the right diagnosis. In such cases, the collaboration with other members of the healthcare team is very important. Thus, it can help make the right diagnosis and prevent medical errors. Therefore, cooperation is a helpful tool in the treatment of UTI, as professional communication helps to provide the critical information.


Prevalence, Significance, Screening, and Promotion Needs

Osteoporosis is another health problem among women, especially at the advanced age. Typically, older females suffer from the structural damage to bone tissues and the loss of weight.

This condition results in an increase in the number of femoral head, vertebral fractures, and wrist. Sadly, every fourth woman older than 60 suffers from this condition in the United States (Kling, Clarke & Sandhu, 2014). The essence of the disease is related to the leaching of calcium and bone loss. Thus, the bones become weak and brittle, and females are subjected to frequent fractures with minor falls or injuries. This problem has become more acute today, as the older population is growing. Therefore, screening is an only solution to avoid or eliminate the symptoms of osteoporosis. The recommendations for screening are quite simple. Thus, any woman after 65 or if there are some risk factors (for example, smoking) after the age of 60 should be examined to determine the degree of bone density (Clarke & Santy-Tomlinson, 2014). It involves either an x-ray examination with a special device or ultrasound, and, for a more accurate diagnosis, i.e. computed tomography (Weber & Kelley, 2013). To prevent osteoporosis, it is recommended to keep a diet rich in calcium. Moreover, it is required that calcium should come naturally into the organism, i.e. with food; and only if it is not sufficient in the diet, it can be supplemented with pills (Weber & Kelley, 2013). Ultimately, patients should be physically active, as physical exercises help them stay healthy all their life.

Diagnostic Tests

Actually, women are recommended to diagnose osteoporosis at least once a year. Ultrasound helps diagnose the disease at an early stage when there are no fractures. Thus, an expert usually measures bone density on the heel, radius or tibia, and phalanges of the fingers by conducting the sensor device on the skin surface above the bone; and then the data are compared with the reference (Clarke & Santy-Tomlinson, 2014). In addition, quantitative computed tomography is also frequent in diagnosing osteoporosis. Only after that, the doctor can correctly diagnose osteoporosis, identify the risk of fractures, take the necessary preventive measures, and prescribe some treatment.

The Importance of Patient Education

The results of patient health considerably depend on patient education, which help them manage the disease. Health education allows women to control their condition and make appropriate decisions. Typically, educated patients know how to find the necessary information and become competent in the issue (Clarke & Santy-Tomlinson, 2014). Often, such persons follow doctors’ recommendations regarding their medical state. Therefore, health education contributes to their recovery.

Traditional versus Non-Traditional Treatment

In some cases, patients prefer non-traditional treatment options, especially when traditional methods do not work. Along with the pharmaceutical treatment, alternative medicine gives different choices. Thus, some natural substances like herbs or food may help patients. The most widespread remedy for osteoporosis is eggshell, clay, plants, and different herbs (Weber & Kelley, 2013). Oftentimes, alternative medicine allows women normalizing the hormonal balance and assimilation of trace elements and hormonal balance. Nevertheless, the combination of both therapies may be the best solution, as they complement each other.

Collaboration with Other Members of the Healthcare Team

Teamwork is always the best solution to any problem. Therefore, collaboration with all members of the healthcare team is very important in making diagnoses and providing a proper medical care. The point is that some specialists may be more experienced, and they can give wise advice. Moreover, the collaboration may be beneficial to the patients’ outcomes. Therefore, it is a helpful tool in managing osteoporosis.


Women may benefit from health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and management of common acute and chronic illnesses, as they improve their health. As a rule, these activities detect healthcare conditions at the primary stage, using traditional or alternative therapies. Elimination and prevention of specific female illnesses, such as urinary tract infections and osteoporosis, require certain methods. Thus, patients should take screening and diagnostic tests to detect the issues at the early stage that may allow stopping their further development. Moreover, women can choose between traditional and non-traditional treatment approaches. However, in order to choose alternative methods, a patient should better consult a doctor first. In most cases, health education plays a great role in patient recovery, as it gives knowledge that is important for making decisions. Ultimately, doctors’ resolutions can be made more effectively in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team. Therefore, to manage diseases, it is important to be well aware of the approaches that can eliminate or prevent these issues.





















Clarke, ?S. & Santy-Tomlinson, J. (Eds.). (2014). Orthopaedic and trauma nursing: An evidence-based approach to musculoskeletal care. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Kling, J. M., Clarke, B. L., & Sandhu, N. P. (2014). Osteoporosis prevention, screening, and treatment: A review. Journal of Women’s Health, 23(7), 563–572.

Simmering, J. E., Tang, F., Cavanaugh, J. E., Polgreen, L. A., & Polgreen, P. M. (2017, February 24). The increase in hospitalizations for urinary tract infections and the associated costs in the United States, 1998–2011. Open Forum Infect Diseases, 4(1), ofw281. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofw28

Taylor, R. A., Moore, C. L., Cheung, K., & Brandt, C. (2018). Predicting urinary tract infections in the emergency department with machine learning. PLOS/One, 13(3), e0194085. Retrieved from

Weber, J. R. & Kelley, J. H. (2013). Health assessment in nursing (5th ed.). New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer.

Posted in: Health
Topics: health, education, paper
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