by on January 17, 2023

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Influencing changes in a workplace is an important task of efficient leadership. In nursing, a leader plays the role of a guide who inspires people toward action. I will strive to be a responsible and ambitious leader with a clear vision, a set of professional skills, and desire for self-improvement.

As a leader, I will foster change through active and proactive experiences and practices. Specifically, I will conduct clinical studies and researches to obtain evidence-based and up-to-date knowledge to become more persuasive in convincing my peers to accept change (Mensik, 2014). Further, I will try to gain the trust of both peers and patients through effective communication channels and feedback. Eventually, I am going to advocate for change, advertise its benefits for the organization, workforce, and clients, and expand awareness about the benefits of change.

My leadership efforts will be supported by my personal strengths, which are emotional intelligence and communication. I think I am good at using empathy and reading other people’s emotions; in addition, I have mastered certain techniques of direct communication, including a better understanding of non-verbal signs (Weberg, Porter-O’Grady, & Mangold, 2018). The aforementioned skills will improve my performance as a leader.

Nevertheless, several of my skills and abilities need improvement. For example, I have difficulties with shared decision-making and reflection. Sometimes, I struggle with listening to the opinions of others because of my sense of autonomy. Moreover, I find it difficult to objectively reflect on my outcomes. Intensive teamwork and cooperative task completion will help me to improve my shared decision-making (Stone & Moskowitz, 2011). To become more reflective, I will regularly conduct external revisions of my daily and weekly results as they will provide me with feedback from friends, trusted peers, patients, etc.

In conclusion, facilitating change is a part of leadership experience. I will use evidence-based, communication-related, and persuasive strategies to promote my leadership vision. I will employ my strengths, particularly emotional intelligence and communication, to foster change. I will participate in teamwork and perform external revisions in order to improve my shared decision-making and reflection skills.


Mensik, J. (2014). Lead, drive, & thrive in the system. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

Stone, J., & Moskowitz, G. B. (2011). Non-conscious bias in medical decision making: What can be done to reduce it? Medical Education45(8), 768-776.

Weberg, D., Porter-O’Grady, T., & Mangold, K. (2018). Leadership in nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Posted in: Health, Society
Topics: research, essay, nursing
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