by on February 4, 2023

Weird. When the system is not connected to the grid , the iq7+ microinverters are not reporting/communicating the data of the individual panels to the gateway, but the live total power production is given. Trying to figure a work around for this.

My thought process is this. When the grid is on, it doesn't need to draw as much power from the system. So, signal integrity of the microinverters remain intact since it communicates over the power line. Take the grid away and the signal integrity degrades. At least that is my current working theory.

So, if I move the gateway as close as possible to the solar array it should resolve the problem if my theory holds true. That means I'll need to modify the current 2 wire 240 volts connection to a 3 wire setup by adding a neutral connection since the gateway needs a neutral to function. Also need to run an ethernet cable from the house to the solar array as well.

Posted in: Education, Technology
Topics: solar, off-grid
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