Beverly Hillshr4
by on February 20, 2023

A head covered in hair symbolizes admiration, whereas balding or hair loss indicates aging and may lower self-esteem. To restore hair, many people resort to wearing artificial hair and using certain medications. However, the time for wigs and hair restoration medications is fast passing as many people are resorting to permanent hair loss treatment procedures. Thankfully, medical advancements like PRP hair treatments and hair transplantation surgeries can help offer permanent solutions.

Here are the top reasons you should consider visiting a hair restoration clinic.

Long Lasting/Permanent Results

Doctors suggest some drugs and topical remedies, but these are only transitory fixes. On the other hand, hair transplantation and other long-lasting hair treatments offer a permanent cure for balding and hair loss. The procedure assists you in relaxing from all hair-related concerns by providing solutions for issues like a receding hairline or bald spots on your head. It is successful because the patient won't ever experience hair loss or balding again.

Enhanced Appearance

People who are bald or have thin hair report having lower self-esteem. They are unhappy with their overall natural appearance, which lowers their self-esteem. That way, their professional performance and personal relationships are indirectly impacted. In these circumstances, hair transplantation can assist in naturally filling bald patches. Over time, people have greater personal and professional confidence in themselves.

Natural Looking

A flawless hair transplant produces results that resemble the patient's natural hair. It is entirely natural because the donor area's natural hair is used to replace the hair that has been lost in the recipient area. The patient's natural hair follicles are extracted and treated. As a result, they look the same when removed and re-implanted. Furthermore, the process is entirely safe. No substances used in it could harm your hair, such as chemicals or medications. 

Simple to Maintain

Many hair treatment techniques call for frequent trips to a stylist and medicated shampoos or conditioners. Contrastingly, hair transplant surgery is a one-time event. Doctors in hair transplant clinics only tend to the areas that are harmed. The result is that hair follicles develop naturally. Moreover, the patient doesn't have to use unique conditioners or shampoos to maintain thick hair.

Cost Effective 

The cost of other hair restoration methods varies. Thankfully, the hair transplant procedure is significantly less expensive than other options. The primary justification for this is that the patient only needs to pay the expenses once during the process. Additionally, this includes any drugs or analgesics your doctor may have prescribed.

BHHR- The Best Hair Transplant Clinic

BHHR is one of the top hair restoration clinics in Los Angeles, and our team includes some of the city's leading hair transplant doctors. Our clinic has received national recognition as one of the best in the nation for all hair transplant procedures and the treatment of different hair issues. Contact us today, and we promise you'll be pleased with our services. 



Posted in: Health
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