by on October 16, 2019

cheap World of Warcraft Classic Gold From now on the players of World of Warcraft Classic can face a new challenge. Blizzard Entertainment has opened the doors to the huge dungeon "Dire Maul" where you can let off steam and search for valuable loot. A suitable trailer can also be seen.

The developer Blizzard Entertainment kept its word and opened the doors to the new Dungeon "Dire Maul" in the online role-playing game World of Warcraft Classic - even hours earlier than previously announced. Designed for groups of five the Feralas unit is divided into three large wings each of which offers a number of challenging challenges and of course countless boss fights - 16 in total.

"Dire Maul" is accessible to characters from level 54 though we'd rather advise you to wait at least level 55 or even 56. Heroes at the maximum level can also complete a quest in the dungeon where a great piece of jewelery with good values ​​as a reward beckons. In addition a visit for the Warlocks and Paladins among you is particularly interesting because only with a detour in "Dire Maul" you can complete the quest line for their epic mount. Incidentally the just-released trailer for World of Warcraft Classic (now available for € 12.99) buy safe WOW Classic Gold which you will find underneath the message provides a little foretaste.

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