igvault rocketleague
by on March 20, 2020

Part of Rocket League's greatness is in its flexibility of modes. There are several game types to choose from:

Solo (1v1 ranked/unranked)

2v2 (ranked/unranked)

3v3 (ranked/unranked)

Solo Standard (3v3, teams made up of random players without teams)

Chaos (4v4, unranked)

Hoops (unranked)

Snow Day (unranked)

Offline play against bots

Local splitscreen (online or offline)

You can jump into any mode you prefer. Try them all, and see what game type you prefer. Jump into the mode you have the players for. If you have two friends playing Rocket League, pull them into a party and play some 3v3. If you have four, you can try out Chaos, or just play some private 2v2 matches. Private matches are some of the most fun we've had playing the game, so don't shy away from it if you have the people.

Check out the server selections below the mode selections. There's a dropdown menu that lists all the available server locations. Uncheck the ones that are out of your country.

How to Rank up

Each competitive game type has its own rank. In other words, you can be a superchampion in 2v2, but just a prospect in 3v3. It takes 10 matches to earn a rank in any of those modes. Your performance in those 10 games will determine your initial ranking. Rankings are only affected by wins and losses. Individual performance in a game doesn't matter. Players earn points throughout the game for goals, assists, saves and more, but those points will not affect your ranking. You can earn 200 points in one game, while a teammate earns over 1,000. If you lose, that loss is the only thing that will affect your rank.

Rank Divisions

Each rank has five divisions. The lower the division within the rank, the closer you are to being demoted. The same goes for higher divisions and promotions. If you get demoted to a lower rank, you'll land in division four. Inversely, getting promoted puts you in division two of the higher rank. This prevents people from changing ranks after each game. So if you get promoted, you don't have to worry about getting demoted right after your next loss. It gives you some extra wiggle room.

Climbing the Ranks

It's easier to climb the ranks earlier in your career. There's a hidden ranking called Match-Making Ranking (MMR). MMR determines your skill and uncertainty. As you play more games, your skill ranking will become more certain. That just means it will take more games to climb the divisions and ranks. When you start out, you may climb multiple divisions by winning one game. Later, it may take several games to climb just one division.


To go along with Rocket League's ranking system in competitive play, there's also a basic experience bar in the lower left corner of the main menu. Points from games earned in online and offline games add to this bar. Your experience rank is more of a badge of honor than anything else. Here are those ranks from lowest to highest:

Rookie (levels 1-9)

Semi-Pro (levels 10-19)

Pro (levels 20-29)

Veteran (levels 30-39)

Expert (levels 40-49)

Master (levels 50-59)

Legend (levels 60-73)

Rocketeer (level 74 and above)

That's all with this Rocket League guide. If you have trouble completing certain modes or challenges, you can come to https://www.igvault.com/Rocket-League-Items for cheap boosting services. If you wanna Buy Rocket League Credits , Keys and Crates to help you level up fast, it is highly recommended to Rocket League Trading from a reliable store. Here you can choose from a bunch of professional game masters of in-demanded games to play the game and help you rank up fast.

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