by on April 30, 2020

Kucoin Shares or KCS, the cryptocurrency issued by Kucoin Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform maintains a total issuance volume of 200 million.

The most enduring and fundamental competitiveness of Kucoin lies in its powerful R&D team, which ensures a world-class stability and service quality. In the meantime, Kucoin's capable operation team shall create a bright and prosperous future through long-term and large-scale online/offline promotion & operation.

What is KuCoin Shares price now?

KuCoin Shares price is at $0.96997467 with a 24-hour trading volume of $5,548,469.54 at the time of writing.

What is the circulating/maximum supply of KuCoin Shares ?

KuCoin Shares has a current circulating supply of KCS 81,250,284. The total maximum supply of KuCoin Shares is KCS .

What is the most active exchange for KuCoin Shares ?

KuCoin Shares can be traded on KuCoin and KuCoin cryptocurrency exchanges

Coin Compare may be a notable feature used on the Tokenncoin app to accumulate instant comparison of various coins within the crypto industry. The feature gives precise information about the coins including rank, 7d change, price market cap, volume for 24hrs, volume for 7d, volume for 30d, total supply, and maximum supply.

Advantages of KuCoin shares:

  1. Operation Strategies
  2. High-Performance engine
  3. Financing-level Stability
  4. System security
  5. Financial Safety
  6. Multiple cryptocurrencies support
  7. Efficient customer services
  8. Invitation Bonus

When KCS holding reaches certain levels, users can enjoy special services like one-on-one investment consultation, customer service Fast-Pass, etc.

To improve user involvement and exchange vitality, Kucoin is going to award incentive bonus, which equals to 50% of the total trading fees charged by the platform, to users who hold KCS in their accounts.  This award proportion could be adjusted based on the actual situation in the future.

Kucoin has established special internal risk control and operation process departments which have designated strict production data operation and usage standards.

The underlying technologies supports infinite cryptocurrency trading pairs. In the early phase, Kucoin provides BTC, ETH, and USDT markets, which includes the trading pair of KCS, LTC, NEO and various highly negotiable ERC20 tokens.

Posted in: Crypto
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