Kevin Bennett
by on October 3, 2022

Enterprises today offer a wide range of cloud security tools to protect their environments as they move workloads and data to the cloud. However, some of these tools come with separate instructions and are offered as individual services. Cloud users and administrators are expected to know how cloud security services work, how to configure them properly and how to maintain deployed cloud solutions. And while there is no shortage of security settings, they can be difficult to configure and it's easy to make a mistake in one area. In addition, the relentless cycle of phishing, malware, growing cyber fraud and some misconfigured cloud services further complicate already overly feature-rich cybersecurity programs. As a result, companies experience data breaches and consequent brand damage and have to incur recovery costs and pay fines. Here are a few important requirements for securing data in the cloud. But it is better to use a comprehensive tool to protect your cloud data, one of the best is ObserveID.

Collective responsibility for security and trust

Trust is paramount when selecting a cloud partner to be responsible for their part of the collective security model. Companies should have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities, and they should have access to independent security audits and attestations cited by parties to the companies.

Automation and machine learning

Cloud-based threats propagate at the speed of a machine, while traditional enterprise security performs analysis and response at the speed of a human. Modern cloud security must automate threat detection and response. Complex threats require security solutions that take predictive, preventive, detection and response technologies to the next level with machine learning.

Comprehensive protection

At multiple layers of security across the technology stack, the right people, processes and technologies must have the prevention, detection and administration tools to protect cloud solution providers' physical data centers.

Identity management

As mobile devices, apps and user images become more widely used, identity has become the new security perimeter. Managing access and privileges in the cloud and locally based on secure credentials is critical.


A cloud access security broker and cloud security state management solution increases visibility and extends control across the company's cloud environment.
Ensuring ongoing regulatory compliance. Compliance is a must, and compliance and security are not the same thing. Companies can face non-compliance without a security breach, for example, due to errors and configuration changes. It's critical for companies to have a cloud management solution that provides comprehensive, timely and actionable compliance-related data across all cloud environments.

Security by default

A cloud solution provider should not require companies to remember to enable security controls. Such tools should work by default. Not everyone has a clear understanding of the various security controls and how together they mitigate risk and form a comprehensive security system. For example, data encryption should be enabled by default. Consistent policies and data protection controls should be applied across all clouds.

Monitoring and migration

Security policies for cloud tenants and sections should be configured and enforced to help administrators protect workloads. A unified view of cloud security status across all cloud tenants is also important to detect misconfigured resources and insecure activities among tenants. It gives security administrators all the information they need to determine which problems are prioritized and fix them.

Segregation of duties and least privilege access

The principles of segregation of duties and least privilege access are security best practices that should be implemented in cloud environments. This ensures that individuals do not have excessive administrative rights and cannot access sensitive data without additional authorization.

Read more about cloud security on the blog.

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