by on October 19, 2022

The research was conducted by the premier essay service.
Planned Parenthood is a healthcare organization started in 1928 with the aim of offering services linked to the reproductive health. The organization is committed to helping both men and women in overcoming their reproductive health challenges. This is motivated by the vision, which aims at building a positive outlook of sexuality among all individuals irrespective of their age. The vision holds that realization of sexuality as a human right will help the society to make choices about their reproductive health; thus, reduce stigmatization of choices made in regard to reproduction. Contentious decision such as abortion and family planning forms the core campaign topic of the organization. The organization’s mission is improving health, especially, to the vulnerable groups in society. Planning increases psychological health and peace of mind. The core values of the organization include gender equality in promoting the development, embracement of diversity and participation in the society as a vital input to bring change and sustainability as well as consideration of volunteerism as the engine for advancement in reproductive health services (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2011).

Planned Parenthood is the largest nonprofit organization offering reproductive health services in America. The history of the organization dates back to 1916. That was the time when the founders of the organization joined together to work on their dream of starting an organization aimed at improving reproductive health. The main contribution to the development of Planned Parenthood is accredited to Margaret Sanger. It is through her effort that she managed to promote the development of the organization in its initial stages. After her leadership, Alan Frank became the president of the organization for the period of 1962 to 1974. A remarkable step in Frank’s leadership was the increased number of customers, after fully approval of birth control pill by agency bestowed with the power of accrediting and approving drugs in America. Since then, the organization has welcomed several leaders who have increased the quality, popularity, and quantity of customers (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).

Services Provided

The organization offers a broad range of reproductive health services. These services have been categorized into several brackets. The first category involves the birth control services. In this category, the organization helps couples and those in relationship to determine their best method for preventing unwanted pregnancies. The organization believes in planned life choices for success and optimal health among the involved group. The organization offers a wide choice of birth control services, which include barrier methods and hormonal formulations. According to the organization’s official website, birth control services account for the largest proportion (37 %) of services offered in the organization. The choice of the method to be used by individual client lies in their hand. The health care provider of the organization will explain the available methods, their effectiveness, pros and cons, as well as mode of action. However, depending on the health condition, client’s age, and future plans for the couple, the health care personnel will consider the best choices. Some of the available methods include vaginal ring, condom, cervical cap, diaphragm, fertility awareness-based methods, intrauterine device, emergency pills, birth control pills, spermicidal, vasectomy, tuba ligation, education on withdrawal method and abstinence (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).

In cases where the birth control measures fail and the couple had not planned for the baby, the organization offers a solution. The couple justifies their reasons for preferring abortion, so the organization may conduct abortion to restore their client’s health (either social, psychological or physiologically). Abortion services account for 3% of the organization’s clients served in a year. The organization offers two approaches for abortion services, which include in-clinic abortion and abortion pill (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).

The third category of services offered in Planned Parenthood captures the men. Men’s sexual health services provided at Planned Parenthood include cancer (prostate, colon, testicular) screening, infertility, vasectomy, urinary tract infection, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction services. This is also in line with education, testing, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Services inclined to Sexually Transmitted Infections are offered to both men and women. In addition to these categories, the organization also offers education on relationships, sex and sexuality, gender related issues and body image education (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).

Demographic Served

Planned Parenthood does not discriminate their client in terms of gender, race or age. According to 2009 statistics, the organization largest proportion of clients was in the age bracket of 18-24 years. This accounted for a total of 44 percent. It was followed by those in the age between 25 and 39 years, which accounted for 37 percent of all patients served in the organization’s affiliates. The white (non-Hispanic) formed the largest proportion by ethnicity of the total number of clients. In 2009, the organization’s White clients were 65%, Hispanic clients were 19 %, African–American 14%, while Asians, Native American and others accounted for 10%. The young adults form the core of the client’s service due to the varied ranges of services that they can benefit from the organization. The young population benefits from services such as family planning, sex education, STIs education and treatment, puberty education, abortion and relationship education (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).


Public Entities and Regulatory Requirements

Right from the initial stages of Planned Parenthood federation’s development, there have been legalities and regulations concerning the services offered by this organization. Critics hold that the organization increases the rate of promiscuity, sexual immorality, and violation of religious beliefs about life. For instance, the Catholic community does not allow family planning methods other than natural method. The religious advocates are strongly adamant in accepting abortion services in the society. According to their argument, abortion is a form of killing, which is worsened by the fact that the affected being is innocent. Margaret Sanger was imprisoned for the introduction of birth control mechanisms.

Since the time of President Richard Nixon, the organization has been receiving federal funding. This was done after the amendment of the Public Health Service Acts, which recognized Family Planning Services and Population Research Act. It is in this Act that Title X outlines the funding requirements for reproductive health services. The organization has over 820 clinics located all over the US. Some of the organizations outlets go beyond offering reproductive health services to include general health services. Among the contributions of the organization in the public interest, the championship for women rights, testing of contraceptives validity, and improvement in clients preventing deaths due to improper abortion attempts among the young stand out. The President of the organization, Cecile Richards, insists that though the organization conducts abortion, it reduces the rate of possible abortion through sex education (“Facts sheets and reports,” 2012).

Competencies and Resources

The organization’s recruits qualified personnel who are competent in delivering the services required. Almost every section of the organization has a well-equipped staff to offer counseling services. Competency in service delivery is upheld through consistent updating of staffs on current programs. Emphasis is laid on involving the client in decision making process. This ensures that the client gives an informed consent in receiving the services. Involving the client in decision making process forms a significant foundation in empowering individuals to own the initiative of pursuing and seeking health services.

The organization gets its funding from four categories: patient contribution, government funding, contributions from stakeholders and well-wishers, and interest. In 2009, the largest portion of the organization’s monetary resources came from patients’ fees. This amounted to 45 % of the total revenue of the organization. The federal government funding was second in the rank that settled at 41 percent. The other funding avenues accounted for 14 percent. In 2011, the contribution of the patient fees in the organization’s revenue was dismal, accounting for only 3 percent. Grants and donations from the government and donors amounted to 96%. The resources allocation is primarily governed by the demand of the client community. Over seventy-five percent of the revenue is channeled to health services (”Consolidated financial statements,” 2011).

Identification of Stakeholders

The key partners in Planned Parenthood organization involve the federal government, donors, affiliate organizations, staff and clients. The role of the federal government is crucial in the running of the organization. To begin with, the organization offers the largest portion of funds used in the organization. Policy ramifications and accreditation are also done by the government. In cases of new outlets in different parts, they must be approved by the government agencies. Donors are also key stakeholders in Planned Parenthood organization. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the donors. The donation from this organization is accompanied by restriction not to be used in pregnancy termination services. Buffet Foundation, Cullmans, Turner Foundation, and Ford Foundation form constitute part of the list of donors (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2011).

In recent years, there have been claims aimed at forcing donors not to support the organization’s activities that violate the right of life. Most of the donors do not discriminate the resources allocation, but require transparency in resources use. The staff, which includes management staff, healthcare professionals, and other professionals in the organization, forms the third group category of the stakeholders. This group is directly involved in the running of the organization. The last category includes the diverse clients benefiting from the organizations services. In decision making, the stakeholders’ interest, preference, and contribution should be given an ample consideration (“IPPFAR strategic plan 2010-2015,” 2010). This will help to avoid cases of conflicts and quagmire in the organization, facilitating a smooth flow of the activities and services.

Current and Future Direction of the Organization of Choice

The organization has a firm foundation in providing the reproductive services in America. Judging by the proportion of clients receiving services from the organization, it stands in a better position in promoting health in America. Apart from the local based services, the organization avails the information online where individuals can access help regarding reproductive health. Its international affiliations help the organization to assist 10 developing nations in boosting strategies towards reproductive health. The future progress of the organization will be reflected in the growth and expansion. The provision of services will be targeting high quality services (Tunmore, 2011). This will improve the faith, trust, and loyalty among the client who are seeking services in this organization. The evaluation of performance will be benched on the number of client receiving reproductive health services and a significant decline in population with unwanted pregnancies (“IPPFAR strategic plan 2010-2015,” 2010).

In conclusion, the organization is a key player in providing primary and secondary reproductive services. A close evaluation of the client’s demographic reveals that most of the clients served are the young adults while the Whites (non-Hispanic) account for the largest proportion by ethnicity that receives services in the organization. The stakeholders include the donors, government, staff, and clients. The organization has made profound landmark in promoting reproductive health in America among men and women. With an adequate support, the organization can reduce the abortion rate through improving access to high quality reproductive health education.












IPPFAR strategic plan 2010-2015. (2010). In International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Retrieved from < 4307-A261-E25564EBE3C4/0/StrategicPlanBooklet>

Facts sheets and reports. (2012). In Planned Parenthood. Retrieved from

Consolidated financial statements and supplementary information. (2011). In Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Retrieved from <>

Planned Parenthood Federation of America. (2011). 2010 Annual Affiliate Service Census Report. New York: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.

Planned Parenthood annual statistics report to donors. (2010). In Planned Parenthood Federation for America. Retrieved from < Hudson%20Valley/AnnualReport09webFINAL.pdf>

Tunmore, L. (2011). The future of Planned Parenthood. In The spectrum 1.2083353#.UI43qXLRX1U

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