by on October 23, 2022

The article was written by the

Drug abuse and addiction is a primary problem that is impacting the society in different ways. Basically, it is a condition that leads to an uncontrolled drug use despite the imminent effects available. It is an issue of special concern for practicing nurses because of the necessity of particular, often unpredictable, decisions and solutions from them for its alleviation. The aspect that should change in the nursing practice to assist in dealing with the problem of drug abuse is the approach to the undergraduate education of the nurses regarding the aspect of drug abuse and addiction (Pillon, Luis, & Laranjeira, 2003). These reviews and changes in their education are vital because various specialized literature have made clear that practicing nurses often encounter challenges giving care to victims of drug abuse victims. The aim of the paper is to discuss elimination of the lack of effective training directed to coping with the existent social problem as a policy that needs to undergo alterations to ensure improvements in the practice of the nurses facing it.

Numerous studies have shown that the nurses’ education on drug abuse and addiction is inadequate at all levels of the training system, the policy changes in the education system will assist in dealing with the challenge by facilitating the advancement of practical skills, necessary attitudes for assisting the victims of drug abuse, and also developing the theoretical frameworks (Pillon et al., 2003). The scale of the problem, however, points to the fact that even a slight positive change in the nursing curriculum is vital for addressing the issues that have plagued the nursing fraternity in regards to solving the issue of drug abuse in the present-day society.

The benefits expected from the changes in policies and curriculum outweigh the risks. They include the development of supportive skills, more involvement of medical students into hands-on activities aimed at tackling the menace, and the investigation of ways of possible identification of the issues causing substance dependence, especially among young population during regular check-ups (Staff, 2012). A significant risk of the process is the high cost that may be incurred in changing the curriculum to suit the existing needs. Lastly, the recommendations that are practicable by the advanced practice nurses include conducting public education on self-management and the development of social networks that would prevent vulnerable people from taking part in the drugs abuse (Staff, 2012).

In conclusion, proper preparation methods and the appropriate attitude of medical workers from the word go are of prime significance. To handle the problem of drug abuse and addiction, it is necessary to educate health professionals adequately in relation to the issue at hand, with more emphasis on practical experience. Such policy change can still be a financial burden for the economy and the source of additional expenses for medical students.


Pillon, S., Luis, M., & Laranjeira, R. (2003). Nurses' training on dealing with alcohol and drug abuse: A question of necessity. Revista Do Hospital Das Cl?nicas, 58(2), 119-124.

Join Together Staff. (2012). Nurses can help reduce substance abuse in homeless youth, Study Finds. Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. Retrieved from

Posted in: Health, Education
Topics: health, education, paper
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