By: on January 28, 2023
Stock prices are controlled by the market factors of demand and supply, which is the reason why they seem to be constantly fluctuating. If you are a new investor, you may find that this has you constantly biting your fingernails in anxiety, but experience shows that this is just a normal, everyday aspect of investing. If you view the history of a particular stock of a the timeframe of a few weeks or months, you will find that these fluctuations are not quite as random as they seem. Rather, th...
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By: on August 17, 2022
Before you start online stock trading, it is important to know the difference between stocks and shares. "Stock" and "Share" are individual terms that have their own importance and they’re a lot more different than it seem. First, let us begin by defining the two so we have a clear understanding. Shares A share depicts a part of a company's stock. Stocks are further divided into shares and every share market of stock is the equivalent of a certain portion of a company’s ownership. Let us u...
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