Expanse is a decentralized cryptographic information, application, and contract platform. It is among the first of such to be fairly distributed, democratically controlled, and community managed. Through the use of smart contracts and decentralized blockchain technology, it is run not by any one individual or group, but by the users of Expanse itself. The project is organized, managed, and operated through a decentralized organization leveraging direct influence over the platform and its future to those that matter most: our community. New features, integration, and core modifications of the expanse platform and organization can be nominated, voted on, and implemented according to the collective opinion.
Algorithm: Dagger
Block Reward: 8
Gas Limit: 31415926
Block Target: 60 seconds
Listen Port: 42786
RPC Port: 9656
Reserve: 11 Million (Community Managed)
Launch Details
We will be hosting a Public Testnet Launch on 9/10/2015.
The purpose of this test is to allow users to comfortably
install, configure, and test the software, prepare their
miners, and familiarize themselves with Expanse. We want
everyone to have a fair start and be able to mine expanse
from the moment it launches. This is for testing only and
tokens mined on the testnet will not carry over into the
main launch.
The Main Launch will take place 9/14/2015 12:00am UTC.
This will be the real persistent exp blockchain and
full real launch of expanse.
The Expanse Project is managed by a decentralized organization
operating on the Expanse Blockchain. This decentralized entity
is responsible for significant decisions such as deciding what
features or updates to be focused on by developers, managing
the project's operating assets/reserve funds, and more.
It consists of three divisions, each with equal power to
vote on the decisions managing Expanse.
Expanse Development Core
The Expanse Development Core is composed of the
project's founders and core developers. Knowledgeable,
talented individuals with diverse technical
experience related to blockchain technology.
Expanse Community Collective
The Expanse Community Collective is the soul of the
project: the people that use it. It is made of the
current active expanse token holders. Every one whole
expanse counts as a voting share. Holdings less
than 1 Exp do not apply.
Expanse Advisory Board
A third party board composed of individuals mutually
elected by the Developer Core and Community Collective.
These should be trusted well known members of the
bitcoin/cryptocurrency community with long established
reputations in good standing. Ideally, individuals that
have a strong technical background and an understanding
of blockchain technology, able to make well informed
votes on technical and financial issues.
Expanse Core Team
The Expanse Team consists of qualified, experienced, professional developers and industry figures with long term contributing histories to several lead projects, companies, and communities related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Community & Social
Expanse is a community based project, so the best way to participate is to interact!
Reach out to the other users and developers of expanse through a variety of platforms:
/r/expanseofficial groups/expanseofficial
Active daily conversation
of the Expanse community.
#expanse on
The best place to interact with the
Expanse Community is on our slack!
Visit for an invite!
Frequently Asked Questions: We will update this section every few days with answers to the questions most commonly asked or solutions to the most commonly encountered problems. This FAQ is specific to this thread, so please check out the Frequently Asked Questions Section of our website for additional answers to commonly asked questions.
Q: What is the difference between Expanse and Similar Projects?
A: The most important difference is that Expanse is a community run project. Major choices regarding its design decisions, operation, development path, investments, and more are made by the users. Expanse has no ICO or Crowdsale, only a small reserve which is managed by the community through a decentralized organization controlled through smart contracts. Unlike other projects the future of Expanse is chosen by contributors, miners, traders, and those that just want to be a part of and shape the future in a fair and decentralized manner.
Q: When will I be able to download Expanse software or read further documentation?
A: We will be continuously releasing updated documentation leading up to and following our Public Testnet and Main launch. Software will be made available to download at the start of the Public Testnet Launch and updated regularly.
Q: What is the difference between the Public Testnet Launch and Main Launch
A: The Public Testnet launch is so that we can allow everyone to install, prepare, and test mining configurations and client software in advance of the Expanse Launch. This will allow for a more fair and evenly distributed launch allowing everyone to be fully prepared to participate when it goes live. The Testnet is for testing only, may be subject to occasional resets and stress/fault tests, and should not be considered stable in the long term. The Main Launch is the actual launch of Expanse, and is when users and miners can mine/exchange real Expanse Tokens, create and execute smart contracts, and make full use of the platform and technology.
Q: Will I be able to keep tokens mined during the Public Testnet Launch?
A: Tokens mined on the Testnet will NOT carry over to the main network. They may persist on the testnet network but the Testnet is for testing only and will routinely be reset after various testing cycles. These hold no value other than for testing.
Q: I am a non-technical enthusiast. How can I help?
A: You can mine Expanse or buy some on Exchanges later once it is available there. You can also tell others about Expanse and the project. You can actively share your opinions and vote on key decisions later, and even suggest possible changes that you think the project should focus on. Expanse is all about listening to everyone and being inclusive, and building a strong community through fairness and the combined talent and vision of all those that want to be a part of it.
Q: I am a developer, how can I contribute to the Expanse project?
A: The potential of Expanse is massive, but application of its power is lacking. What is needed most are DApp and Contract Developers. Such contribution does not go unrewarded; the expanse organization will provide bountied incentives and rewards to qualifying Dapp and contract developers. For those wishing to contribute to the official project, we are currently drafting and will soon publish Contribution Guideline documents for developer contribution. In the mean time, you can participate directly in the #dev channel on the Expanse Slack.
Q: Is there an ICO?
A: There is no ICO or form of crowdfunding.
Q: What is the reserve? Why is there one?
A: The reserve is a set of funds managed by the Expanse Organization. These reserve funds are managed directly by the decentralized organization using smart contracts running on Expanse. The organization's funds are locked in a contract and made progressively available to the organization distributed evenly over time. 10% of the community reserve (1.1m exp) will be distributed to the foundation core slowly over time for long term development costs, with only 10% of that total available at launch to help with development and pay for initial bounties, with the rest of the foundation reserve to be slowly distributed to the team over a year using smart contracts, and the remaining 90% is to be used as determined by the Expanse Organization as a whole.
Q: How do we know the reserve won’t be dumped on an exchange?
A: The vast majority of the reserve is controlled directly by the Expanse Organization decentralized entity, and is locked with smart contracts. Any use of the Organization's funds requires the mutually voted majority between the community, developers, and advisory board. It would not be possible to sell without mutual approval. Additionally, the funds are unlocked to the organization over a distributed time frame.
Mainnet Instructions
Install deps and make gexp
apt-get install git binutils bison gcc make libgmp3-dev
bash < <(curl -s -S -L
gvm install go1.4
gvm use go1.4 --default
git clone -b develop
cd go-expanse
make gexp
From here you start the client with the genesis file
build/bin/gexp --genesis genesis.json
exitout then create your first account
build/bin/gexp account new
Then start it up with a bootnode
./gexp --bootnodes "enode://4055ec69e53df4bfecb95e3b65c28e4f2a1145a3bdc4d85d077b552248cf159951afd649f044783bebf48b902fbc0e96978c76236fd4ab3d5ef7d95d72b84ee5@[::]:42786" --rpc console 2>exp.log
or from the console
Check and see if you are connected to any nodes
You can also get your own node info for others to connect to by entering
turn on mining
Once you mine a few blocks, check your balance like this
If you are having trouble finding nodes give it a second and then follow the guide below
Doubleclick Setup_Step2_genesis.bat
Doubleclick Start_Expanse.bat
Add peers from just incase..
Doubleclick Start_Mining.bat
For updating information click here
Official Genesis
"nonce": "0x214652414e4b4f21",
"timestamp": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"extraData": "0x4672616e6b6f497346726565646f6d",
"gasLimit": "0x1388",
"difficulty": "0x40000000",
"mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "0x93decab0cd745598860f782ac1e8f046cb99e898",
"alloc": {
"0xbb94f0ceb32257275b2a7a9c094c13e469b4563e": { "balance": "10000000000000000000000000" },
"0x15656715068ab0dbdf0ab00748a8a19e40f28192": { "balance": "1000000000000000000000000"},
"0xc075fa11f85bda3aaba67106226aaf086ac16f4e": { "balance": "100000000000000000000000"},
"0x93decab0cd745598860f782ac1e8f046cb99e898": { "balance": "10000000000000000000000"}
Console Cheat Sheet
BlockHeight == exp.blockNumber
nodeinfo == admin.nodeInfo
peers == admin.peers
addnode == admin.addPeer("enode://nodekey:ipaddress@port")
send tx == exp.sendTransaction({from:exp.accounts[0], to:"0x…007", value: web3.toWei(1, "expanse")})
getBalance == web3.fromWei(exp.getBalance(exp.coinbase), "expanse")
Peercount == net.peerCount
Chain Stats
How to join chainstats -
Stats -
BlockExplorer -
IRC - #expanse freenode
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