Asiacoin (AC) pos 100% per year cid 125
AmberCoin (AMBER cryptopia pool pow/pos 25% per year
AudioCoin (ADC) cryptopia pool/pos pow till blk 525000 then 18% per year
Bitz (BITZ) pos 10 percent per year cid 124
Bottlecapscoin(CAP) pow/pos scrypt 10 coins per block pos 200% per year cid(213)
BanksyCoin (BSY) cryptopia pool pow/pos 2% per year
BlackCoin (BLK) pos cid 180 pos reward 1.5 black
Bitcoinfast (BCF) cryptopia pool pow/pos 25% per year
BumbaCoin(BUMBA) pos 2 coins per block
CryptoClub (CCB) cryptopia pool pow/pos 5% per year
CaptCoin (CAPT) pos 30% per year cid 187
CryptoBullion (CBX) cryptopia pool
CoffeeCoin (CFC) pos cid 160 1-7 % interest per block variable
CloudCoin (CDC) cryptopia pool pow/pos unknown pos reward
Diamond (DMD) pow/pos 50% per year
DarkGold (DGD) pos 10% per year cid 28
Deutsche eMark (DEM) sha256d pow pos 55 coins per block
DARK (DARK) pos 35% per year c
EmerCoin (EMC) sha256d pow /pos 6% per year reward changes per block
FonzieCoin (FONZ) pos 20% stake per year
GoldPieces (GP) pos 500% first year
GoldReserve (XGR) pos
GridCoin (GRC) chained CPU or Scrypt **BOINC PoR (Proof of Research) PPS style reward *3rd party pool mining
GaiaCoin(GAIA) pos 5% per year
HoboNickels (HBN) scrypt 5 coin blk reward 2%stake every 10 days
HyperStake (HYP) pos upto 750%per year
Influxcoin (INFX) x11/pos pos 3% per year
IrishCoin(IRL) cryptopia pool pow only
I0Coin (I0C) pos 2% per year ?
Incakoin (NKA) sha256/pos pow reward starts at 420 per block mining not to drop below 2 100%stake per year
IcebergCoin (ICB) pos cid 161 4% per year
LiteDoge (LDOGE) pos and masternode only
JumbucksCoin(JBS) pos only 8% per year cid 214
Kolschcoin (CGN) cryptopia pool pow/pos 2% per year
MetalMusicCoin (MTLMC) cryptopia pool pow/pos 25% per year
Murraycoin (MRY) cryptopia pool pow only
MedicCoin (MDC) cryptopia pool pow/pos 50% per year
MotoCoin (MOTO) proof of play
NakamotoDark (NKT) pos 10% per year
NetCoin(NET) pos/pow 50 coins per block pos % the bigger the block the bigger the reward% is
NineElevenTruthCoin (NTC) cryptopia pool pow/pos 110% per year
oKCash (OK) pos 69% first year started dec 9 2014
OrbitCoin (ORB) pow/pos neoscrypt 1 coin reward pos 1 coin reward pow
PiggyCoin (PIGGY) pure pos 3% per year
PayCon (CON) pos 50%per year
PotCoin(POT) posv 20% per year
RussiaCoin (RC) pos 15 % per year
Reddcoin (RDD) pure pos
SaveAndGain (SANDG)
SterlingCoin(SLG) pos 5.5%
SmileyCoin(SMLY) ?
SHACoin2 (SHA) pos 5 % per year cid 121
SquallCoin (SQL) pos 2% per year cid 82
Sprouts (SPRTS) cryptopia pool and pos PoS Reward - 10% 5 Days, +2% for each extra day staking takes.
Triangles (TRI) pos 33% per year cid 173
TrollCoin (TRL)
TopCoin (TOP) cryptopia pool scrypt mineable and pos 50% per year
TEKcoin (TEK) sha256/pos 1187798blk cid 167 pow reward is 1 coin per block pos changes with pos difficulty
TeslaCoin (TES) pos 12% per year cid 130
TruckCoin (TRK) pos 200% per year cid 152
VeriCoin (VRC) pos only cid 184 variable intrest
Version (V) pos 10% per year cid 146
Vanillacoin(VNL) algo is whirlpool 62 coins per block also pos .7%per year
Vibranium (XVI) pos and masternode cid 181
WeAreSatoshi (WSX cryptopia pool pow/pos 5% first 3 months then 1% per month til end of year then 3 % per year
XtraCoin (CX) sha256/pos pow 1cx per block cid 131 pos 23% interest per year
ZeitCoin (ZEIT) pos 20 % this year cid 88
8Bit (8BIT) masternode and pos only cid 108
Currency Code Pool Fee Deposit Maturity
Warpcoin WARP 2.00% 8 hours
VPNcoin VPN 2.00% 8 hours
Vericoin VRC 2.00% 8 hours
Transfercoin TX 52.00% 24 hours
TEKcoin TEK 2.00% 720 hours
Sterlingcoin SLG 2.00% 0.4 hours
Sprouts SPRTS 2.00% 120 hours
Solarcoin SLR 2.00% 8 hours
Shadowcash SDC 1.00% 8 hours
Sapience XAI 1.00% 8 hours
Rubycoin RBY 2.00% 8 hours
Reddcoin RDD 1.00% 8 hours
Quotient XQN 1.00% 16 hours
Potcoin POT 2.00% 8 hours
Piggycoin PIGGY 2.00% 8 hours
Peercoin PPC 2.00% 720 hours
Pandacoin PND 2.00% 8 hours
Paccoin PAC 2.00% 720 hours
Orbitcoin ORB 2.00% 24 hours
OKcash OK 2.00% 8 hours
Noblecoin NOBL 2.00% 2 hours
Netcoin NET 2.00% 1 hours
Nakamotodark NKT 1.00% 2 hours
Mintcoin MINT 2.00% 480 hours
Metalcoin METAL 1.00% 8 hours
MasterTraderCoin MTR 1.00% 3 hours
Magi XMG 2.00% 2 hours
LiteDoge LDOGE 2.00% 8 hours
Hyperstake HYP 2.00% 211.2 hours
Gridcoin GRC 2.00% 16 hours
EverGreenCoin EGC 2.00% 24 hours
Europecoin ERC 2.00% 72 hours
Energycoin ENRG 2.00% 24 hours
Emercoin EMC 2.00% 720 hours
Dopecoin DOPE 2.00% 24 hours
Diamondcoin DMD 2.00% 168 hours
Clams CLAM 1.00% 4 hours
Blitzcoin BLITZ 2.00% 12 hours
Blackcoin BLK 2.00% 8 hours
Bitcoindark BTCD 1.00% 8 hours
Bitbean BITB 1.00% 6 hours
Bitbay BAY 2.00% 2 hours
Archcoin ARCH 1.00% 24 hours
TEK 40% interest every 30+ days
minimum stake age / maximum stake age
Battlecoin (BCX) – 50% per year 10 day/20 day
Tekcoin (TEK) – 500% 30/90
Bottlecaps (CAP) – 100% 30/90
Diamond (DMD) 50% 7/30
HoboNickels (HBN) - 100% 10/30
Micro - PoS only with 10% stake / microCoin wallet
Mintcoin (MINT) – 20% 20/40
Novacoin (NVC) - 100% 30/90
Philosopherstone (PHS) – 50% 5/10
GrowthCoin GRW 100,0% 5/15
Hyper HYPER 60,0% 5/100
ECCcoin ECC 25,0% 42/84
Zeitcoin ZEIT 25,0% ?/30 days
Blade BLA 20,2% 10/30
Ghostcoin GHC 20,0% 20/40
Mintcoin MINT 20,0% 20/40
Paccoin PAC 400,0% 30/90
Truckcoin TRK 200,0% 8h/30
SuperCoin SUPER 100,0% 1/60
Sync SYNC 100,0% 6h/30 days
Roman Coin ROM 30,0% 1/30
Digit DIG 116,0% 0,3/30
MammothCoin MAMM 50,0% 1/60
Legendary Coin LGD 50,0% 5/15
Proof of Stake
[table][tr][td]Coin....................[/td][td]Rate of Return................................[/td][td]Developer[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Ambercoin [/td][td]7% per year[/td][td]AmberCoinDev[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]BitBean [/td][td]1000 per block [/td][td]TeamBean[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Blackcoin [/td][td]1% per year [/td][td]Rat4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Bottlecaps [/td][td] 200% per year, cap 1000per block[/td][td]Tranz[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]BTCTalkcoin[/td][td]15% per year[/td][td]No Dev at the moment[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Diamond [/td][td] 25% per year[/td][td]Danbi[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]HoboNickels [/td][td] 2% every 10 Days, cap 250 per block[/td][td]Tranz [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Kobocoin [/td][td] 10% per year[/td][td]TheTribesman[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Mintcoin [/td][td] 10% per year, 5% in 2017[/td][td]Fuzzbawls[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Navcoin [/td][td] 5% per year[/td][td]Soopy452000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Netcoin [/td][td]Coin Amt determines between 20% - 45% per year[/td][td]Netcoin Foundation[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Noblecoin [/td][td] 8% per year[/td][td]EagleFlies[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Pandacoin[/td][td] 2.5% per year[/td][td]No Dev at the moment[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]PhilosopherStone[/td][td] 50% per year[/td][td]No Dev at the moment[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sprouts [/td][td] 10% per 5 Days[/td][td]No Dev at the moment[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Supercoin [/td][td] 5% per year[/td][td]Griffin[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Tekcoin [/td][td] ~20 to 40% per month[/td][td]Noise23[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Truckcoin [/td][td]200% per year, cap 200 per block [/td][td]Noise23[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]TurboStake [/td][td]2.74% per 2 days [/td][td]No Dev at the moment[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]ZEIT [/td][td] 15% per year, 5% in 2017[/td][td]Rent_a_Ray[/td][/tr]