PoN and PoS work Hand in Hand starting with Block 100K.
Each Node has to have it is own IP to be able to mine and create Blocks. The Algorithm below show you the Concept, we will publish a Whitepaper and also a Proof of Concept soon.
seconds = ((first 4 bytes of as integer) sha256([node IP] [last blockhash])) * difficulty / (2 ^ 32) * (15 * 60).
This way, difficulty will adjust to about the number of nodes.
When the time has elapsed, the Node created a Block and send it to the Networks. Each node will confirm this Block by connection to the Block Creator Node.
(if not already within his Peers) - just to confirm the Block Hash.
PoN and PoS Blocks are altering, only the last PoN Block is verified by IP (as IP's might already be gone)
Community integration and decentralization
We thought a lot about how the community could be integrated and we think it is absolutely most important to get the community deeply involved, that means that we will open this coin up to the dev level to the community. That does not necessarily mean that you have to be a coder to participate, it means that you can influence the development process with your suggestions. Cachecoin protocol changes can be submitted on github pull requests and will be discussed by any developer or community member and will only be accepted on broad consensus. Proven contributors can gain write access to the repositories. More complex changes can be implemented via blockchain voting (compare Bitcoin BIP0034 and BIP0066). Implementing BIPs for Cachecoin is possible if the demand is there. Request BIP numbers on github submitting a proposal.
There will be monthly community meetings to decide which resources should be used to move forward. There will be no centralized structures like a foundation or a single-point-of-failure-developer.

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Last update on May 22, 3:12 pm by slimus.
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