Page Admins
About us -
This exchange was created in December 2016 due the lack of exchange points for Freicoin. It was developed by Fedde and extensive testing was done by Fabrizio and Skaro from the Freicoin Alliance Forum.
We keep it as simple as possible with the basic functions and a small api. Over time when time allows it we will try and expand it with more functions.
All hardware has been provided by Sicanet.
Special thanks to :
- Fedde - Development and Hardware
- Fabrizio - Extensive testing and debugging
- Skaro - Extensive testing and calculation
- remotehorst - General testing
- Alliance Forum Members - Normal Testing
Donations are always welcome to keep things running
FRC : 1413RS7yvjsukxjGqKfK14g3JWhW84o7Fn
BTC : 1F42xewVciifc1mJ3khtk86MQCsQGcGcry
Any problems, comments or questions, use
You can also reach us on the Telegram #Freicoin channel :
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