By: on June 12, 2022
As of 6/3/2022 all access permissions to the Crypto-city github repositiry have been revoke for the user iCryptony (anthonyrjwood). Measures have been taken to mitigate any current and future potential damages to the Crypto-city web properties and projects. Due to the current disruptions, we are using this as an opportunity to consolidate and simplify the management and support of both the Element (HYP) and bitFlowers (PETAL) projects under one umbrella. In order to do this, the current Eleme...
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By: on June 29, 2021
bitFlowers returns stronger then ever! The team is humbled by the incredible support shown by our support staff and community, while the team worked to get the bitFlowers (PETAL) network back online. What's Next?  ...
1.1k+ views 1 like
By: on May 31, 2021
Recently, the bitFlowers network was attacked. The team acted quickly and asked all the exchanges to put their wallets into maintenance.  You will not be able to send or receive deposits during this time.  If your wallet is still on, please turn them off until an update release announcement is provided. The team is investigating how the attack possibly could have been done and as such will take some time. After the investigations are completed, we'll develop some possible solutions and...
1.3k+ views 1 like
By: on March 16, 2021
The Crypto-city team has been working hard at building out the bitFlowers infrastructure. Participating is super easy. It's as simple as downloading the bitFlowers wallet from our website and in a few clicks you are up running. It really is that simple. You now have the power  to: ...
828 views 0 likes
By: on March 9, 2021
Are you a member of Yes? Great! For a short time, the bitFlowers team will be rewarding members with 10,000 bitFlowers (PETAL) coins. To participate: ...
766 views 5 likes
By: on February 14, 2021
The Crypto-city team is thrilled to officially announce the completion of the Ciredo rebrand and the release of the bitFlowers wallet. If you are still running the Ciredo wallet, please update it ASAP. The imminent soft fork will take effect on block 403800 where the POS rates will be enhanced. For rate details visit: Be sure to REGISTER on Crypto-city and "LIKE" the bitFlowers page if you haven't already. ...
705 views 0 likes
By: on February 12, 2021
We're just finishing up on some final wallet tests. The bitFlowers cryptocurrency wallet is almost ready for release to the public. Just need to finish some odds and ends and we are set. bitFlowers info:
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By: on February 5, 2021
It will roll out any day, now, alongside a new launch video, media pack, whitepaper, brand book, and a brand new website! bitFlowers info:
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By: on January 11, 2021
Check out these awesome bitFlowers posters collection by Barnaby Atkins, UK designer. Have a look here: bitFlowers info link: ...
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By: on December 30, 2020
We are happy to announce that #Dorkfeatures, a #Gift card #designer from #Newport, South Wales UK, has partnered with the #bitFlowers #cryptocurrency project. bitFlowers will have access to a collection unique specialty gift cards, which will later be available for users to use in the btFlowers wallet. Have a look here: bitFlowers info link: ...
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By: on December 20, 2020
Give #bitFlowers Vol. 2 (The second of many more bitFlowers cryptocurrency art works to come.) Larger image: bitFlowers info link: ...
721 views 1 like
By: on December 15, 2020
Give #bitFlowers Vol. 1 (The first of many more bitFlowers cryptocurrency art works to come.) Larger image: bitFlowers info link: ...
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