Hyperstake (HYP) cryptocurrency was Crypto-city's last refresh and the market went vertically ballistic! Don't know how the market will react with bitflowers' Ciredo (CIR) rebrand, but we're extremely excited. Come join us during the AMA. This time we're hosting it on Discord:
Instructions on how to access AMA
Launch day is almost here! 18 months of R&D and the Ciredo rebrand is almost complete. Phase 1 completion will include a mandatory wallet update to bitFlowers v1.0, a ticker symbol change from CIR to PETAL on exchanges / indexes, and a written guide detailing how to update. https://www.crypto-city.com/bitflowers/info
Artwork info:
Creation time: 2 hours
Inspired by the quote:
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We had an epic Ciredo crypto currency giveaway rain party. The crypto-city team was tipping Ciredo for 10 straight hours. Ciredo trade up 45,000% briefly and settled around 4400%. Needless to say everyone had a blast and received tons of coins from the team.
The Ciredo story has just began... more info on Ciredo: https://www.crypto-city.com/index.php/ciredo-cir
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The Crypto-city team decided to do an impromptu all day tipping of the Ciredo crypto currency coin. Everyone had a blast as well as all the people receiving the coins all day long from all around the world. This is just one of the days we are tipping out coins.. Goto Ciredo: https://www.crypto-city.com/index.php/ciredo-cir
The Crypto-city.com team is proud to announce to the community that the Ciredo re-brand marketing has begun. If you think you know Ciredo, think again.
Ciredo has been transformed. You don want to piss him off...
We cannot wait to unleash the full force of fun upon the internets.
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