“JUNG_E” This film Netflix Original South Korean Dystopian Sci-Fi Action Thriller Drama Film set in a deserted 22... View More“JUNG_E” This film Netflix Original South Korean Dystopian Sci-Fi Action Thriller Drama Film set in a deserted 22nd century Earth The outcome from a war is based on the cloning of brain of a soldier with the elite ranks to create the robotic military.The fight and action scenes are of the highest quality choreographed with great skill, and simple to follow. However, the ethical issues which Jung_E examines are what’s being displayed and worthy of consideration. When the story is beyond its initial setting and into the realm of ethical concerns of creating robots that are that are based on human brains start to echo after falling onto the floor of diegetic thought. A lot of viewers will be pleased with the absence of handholding as there is no explicit explanation of the issue or explained (like for example, the character who is exposition-based says, “well, what are the implications of modeling robots based on actual human brains? When they first awake and think that they’re human, but when they realize that they’re replicating themselves in the hundreds , they lose any sense of identity …” and so on.).