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By: on May 18, 2021
Rocket League Credits are used to purchase neat cosmetics in Rocket League. This guide will help players learn how they can earn credits in the game. Rocket League was a runaway success when it officially released back in 2015. Developed by Psyonix and Panic Button Games, players are able to ride these race cars around a soccer-like arena as they work to score more points than their opponents. The concept is simple but highly addictive since learning to control the car to defend or make shots ca...
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By: on October 18, 2020
Rocket League goes free-to-play today. This is likely to bring in the largest number of new players since the game originally launched five years ago. That means that you, my dear reader, might be on the lookout for some Rocket League tips and tricks to help you get started. Well, I’ve got good news for you. You see, the reason that this article is called “Rocket League Tips And Tricks” is because that’s exactly what it contains. So, strap yourself in and get ready for some knowledge. Adjust ...
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