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Male. Lives in Michigan, United States. Born on November 10. Is married.
12 likes Coins
Incakoin is one of the first sha-256 hybrids, that uses both the proof of work and proof of stake protocol in order to process transcations and generate new coins on the blockchain.  Incakoin uses far less energy than Bitcoin making it better for the enviroment!  SHA-256 POW/POS Hybrid Block Reward - 100 NKA 1000 block stake maturity 3 confirnations on transactions 9% every 35 days POS rewards Stable and old blockchain that has stood the test of time.  Totally committed founder that has stuck by this coin and will see it through.  IncaKoin also has a great community and if you take a minute to look back through the board you'll find a friendly atmosphere of core supporters that are always working hard to resolve any problems and lend assistance.  Finally, we feel that this coin has respectable specifications and a ton of potential to grow in valuation.  In short this coin stakes very well with good ROI at 9% every 35 days.  It's also fairly easy to mine with inexpensive hardware right from the wallet. It's also a great buy at the moment and you could speculate very reasonable valuation gains as we move forward implementing the changes in our roadmap! 
Alex Grigorev
13 likes Coins
Algorithm Scrypt Type PoW Coin name WayaWolfCoin Coin ticker WW Address letter W RPC port 8912 P2P port 8911 Block target Every 5 minutes Retarget difficulty Every 4 blocks Premine 0% Block reward 25 coins Block halving 210k blocks (~2 years) Total coin supply ~10.5 Million coins http://wayawolfcoin.org http://wayawolfcoin.boards.net https://github.com/wayawolf/WayaWolfCoin
Anthony Martin
Netcoin (NET)
41 likes Coins
    --    https://github.com/netcoinfoundation/netcoin/releases    -- NetCoin (NET) - Litecoin / PeerCoin Proof of Stake with Personal Investment Rate and Open Wallet Incentive (PIR & OWI) The default ports: Connection 11310, and RPC 11311 No premine Difficulty retargets on every block POS Details POS activated on block 420,000 - Hard fork Personal Investment Rate (PIR) for the APR Stake reward increases in line with the value of the coins staked on a sliding scale 2-10% 1 - 10 million NET POS 1 hour minimum age for staking. 30 days max age FAIR-WEIGHT protocol enforced stake weight coin value cap of 100,000 NET replaces the idea of 'block splitting' to prevent very large NET holders signing lots of POS blocks 6 confirmations for transaction 70 confirmations for minted blocks POS - stake once each month to earn highest possible rewards incentivizes running full nodes to increase POS security coin age gradually slows after 1 month with an aging half life of 90 days. Newest client is v3.0.0 https://github.com/netcoinfoundation/netcoin/releases POW- ended block 2500000