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Sunny Mattoo

Male. Lives in Jammu, India. Born on February 14.
By: on August 29, 2017
BITCOIN IS ALL TIME HIGH WITH 4581.80 USD. However what is happening with BTC Dominance it not have been increased.  As there are many other new currencies/coins got introduced with the coinmarket cap hence the dominance has been distributed with those coins. ...
791 views 0 likes
By: on August 28, 2017
Currencies are the most vulnerable thing in the entire world. As far world has evolved so the requirement of currencies as well whereas at the ancient days our ancestors started the trading on the BARTER service basis whereas it was difficult to serve the purpose thereafter they decided to take on the innovative aspect on the currency hence they got evolved the century for currency for the lifetime.Barter Services have been came across with many phases like right from the Agriculture based Barte...
1k+ views 0 likes
By: on August 27, 2017
WHAT  IS  CRYPTO  WORD? Crypto is an AI(Artificial Intelligence) language which is based on the Algorithmic prepositions of the values. In simple words we can say Crypto is understandable language for computer for example QR gets identified by  the QR readers. Further more simplified way :-  ...
931 views 1 like
By: on August 27, 2017
Government charge us on hard earned money in the name of Taxes thus we ourselves surrender our hard earned taxes just to maintain the RBI(Reserve Bank of India) Ledgers along with to fulfill the  lockers stores of the government in order to raise the GDP.  Then what happens when GDP raises why the amount and taxes on the product does not get discounted/we get rebate on the products like fuel, grocery items, food items etc. These are the some questions which are still there in the mind of peop...
746 views 1 like
By: on August 18, 2017
AS PER TODAYS cointelegraph article. Bitcoin price prediction which CNBC has confirmed that it will drop down @ 3600 USD. As the todays market charts that investors are now investing on Bitcoin Cash which as increased 69 % by reducing the Bitcoin market dominance from 51% to 49% as if today. ...
883 views 0 likes
By: on August 16, 2017
ATTENTION ATTENTION CRYPTO WORLD ESPECIALLY USA CRYPTO PARTNERS AND COLLEAGUES.   BITFINEX has annouced that they curtailed their services for Unverified US Individual Citizens with 90 days. ...
1k+ views 1 like
By: on August 15, 2017
AS I HAVE ALREADY SIGNALED OR INDICATED TO CRTYPTO WORLD ABOUT THE MAX PROSPERITY ABOUT BTC RATE.  Hence now the fluctuation rates will be in between like 3700 USD to 4500 USD It might go below as BIG WHALES are there.  Maximum 4500 USD why as the blocksize of the BTC BLOCKCHAIN has taken enough on itself as you can see the multiple confirmations of transactions is pending long. As i got final confirmation today since i have initiated transaction 2 days back on 13th of Aug'17. ...
718 views 0 likes
By: on August 15, 2017
I dont know about the company name just got to know that one company has played fraud under the impression of ICO and looted INNOCENT people in Millions. PLEASE CHECK BELOW DETAILS BEFORE INVESTING AND GO THROUGH WITH PRODUCT: 1. CHECK THEIR LEGIT WEBSITE ANY DOUBTS. ...
1.6k+ views 1 like
By: on August 15, 2017
Hello Crypto Friends!!! NEO is Chinese based currency under the advisery of Vitali(Founder of ETH). NEO renamed from AntShare last month when it was 1.80 USD. ...
802 views 0 likes
By: on August 15, 2017
Hi Crypto World Friends!!! As Today BTC has skyrocketed like anything as per coinmarketcap Its breaking that Wanna Ransomware which happened in the past. If without ransomware this BTC can pitch that much then we have to say that without any threat and support if that can be scalable then it can reach to more parameters in Crypto world. ...
757 views 0 likes
By: on August 15, 2017
Hello Friends,  Everybody new to this Crypto World has a question how does this crypto World and blockchain works. This Crypto World works on the Blocksize of the Blockchain of the Crypto Currency and Assest based on Crypto world. ...
750 views 1 like
By: on August 15, 2017
Hello CryptoWorld My Name is Sunny Mattoo from India since the day i got to know about Crypto World i got submerged in this world and learnt that there is not only Bitcoin. There are many other Currencies available in the Crypto World either it is itself a world. Hence will update my outputs and reviews in Crypto World and the hints will be there for traders to trade in this world. If you guys like my work. You can send me donations on my wallet for my workings.  ...
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