Titcoin is a type of digital currency called a cryptocurrency (similar to Bitcoin) which uses a peer-to-peer network to securely process and validate electronic transactions. However, unlike Bitcoin, Titcoin was specifically developed for the adult entertainment industry.
Originally conceived in November 2013, Titcoin was officially announced to the public in January 2014 with a final build of the software compiled in February. Titcoin was formally launched on June 21, 2014.
Titcoin has been nominated two years in a row as “Alternative Payment Services Company of the Year” during the 2015 and 2016 XBIZ Awards.
Titcoin is a transactional cryptocurrency that was specifically designed to facilitate speedy payment confirmations. This is a crucial feature that merchants and businesses should take into account while considering cryptocurrency payments. On average, Titcoin transactions are processed in under 6 minutes. Bitcoin, on other hand, was designed as an investment instrument incapable of speedy transactions. In fact, true Bitcoin transactions on average take over an hour to complete.
Titcoin is currently the most recognizable adult-oriented cryptocurrency. In fact, we are the only adult currency covered by a variety of mainstream media such as CNET, Cosmo, Playboy, Men’s Health, Vice Magazine and Gizmodo. Our fundamental philosophy is to introduce digital currencies to the average consumer instead of exclusively catering to the cryptocurrency community. Using our strong relationships with many members of the press, we’re confident we will continue to raise public awareness of digital currencies through Titcoin.
Our fundamental business activity is to market and promote Titcoin to consumers of adult entertainment and products. This includes promoting the businesses and services that accept Titcoin payments through marketing campaigns and press releases. With Bitcoin, your marketing exposure will be solely self-generated since Bitcoin will never actively promote businesses especially adult-oriented enterprises. The Titcoin team will essentially be your free marketing partner.
Within the first week of launching Titcoin, we gave away over 30k+ coins to the cryptocurrency community to thank everyone for their early support. We also have a 500k (0.75% premine) cache of coins to distribute to future businesses and partners who agree to accept Titcoin as a form of payment. By offering a vested stake in Titcoin similar to stock options, we are giving our partners an exclusive opportunity to own a portion of Titcoin’s future success. This is something you will never receive from Bitcoin.
The digital currency market is extremely fragmented with only several major coins receiving mainstream attention. Unfortunately, none of these major currencies are widely endorsed by any identifiable industry which we feel is a major hurdle for widespread adoption. If there was ever an industry that could create some standardization in the cryptocurrency market, the adult industry would be the obvious candidate. Titcoin aims to target the $10 billion global adult entertainment industry, and unify this consumer market under a single currency.
Since our launch announcement in January 2014, the Titcoin team has been fully transparent and honest about our strategy and long-term vision. We are an independent team NOT created by an existing adult company which makes us trustworthy and unbiased. Our competitive strengths are in marketing and business development which are attributes sorely needed in the cryptocommunity saturated with technology developers… most of whom are very smart and great at their job but lack the acumen to think about technology from a business standpoint. We are in essence bringing a fresh perspective to the digital currency market.
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