on October 19, 2021 472 views

Cultivated as a grain for 8,000 years, today, Amaranth is gaining popularity as a crop of the future. It's a very adaptable, drought-tolerant, and hardy plant; in fact, most species of Amaranthus are classified as a weed (commonly known as pigweed).

Today Amaranth is making a comeback as a kind of superfood; it’s high in protein (12-17%), calcium (more than spinach), and amino acids like lysine (deficient in most grains). The leaves are high in vitamins A and C, riboflavin, and folic acid.

Amaranth is also gaining popularity as a crop of the future. It’s a very adaptable, drought-tolerant, and hearty plant; in fact, most species of Amaranthus are classified as a weed (commonly known as pigweed).

It’s an easy plant for the backyard farmer. Plant after the last frost and it should continue to grow through the summer. The seeds can be used sprinkled on salads or cereals or even popped as popcorn. Once milled, it can be used as any other flour: to make gluten-free bread, cereal, cookies, etc.

In this video, we talk to one backyard farmer about the amaranth growing all over her yard.

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