Thomas S Barton
on November 3, 2021 106 views
If you live in Conyers, GA or the Rockdale County area and have been accused of domestic violence, please visit or call 770-961-7400.
Domestic violence allegations are very serious. They can be a misdemeanor or even a felony depending on the circumstances that surround the incident. Conyers, GA Defense Lawyer Tom Barton can provide you with the aggressive legal representation you need to start your defense now.
Family battery, domestic violence, abuse – Georgia law is a little confusing when it comes to these terms, and recent changes to domestic violence laws in Georgia mean your case could be more complicated than you imagined.
Conyers, GA Attorney Tom Barton has the experience and skills necessary to build a defense that can help you get a favorable outcome in your case. If you’re looking for a domestic violence lawyer in Rockdale County, contact Tom Barton immediately and take a stronger approach to your defense.
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