Power Nap
on May 29, 2023 113 views

The best power nap is a deliberate action that can assist people in recharging their energies and refocusing. Feeling lethargic or waking up with more energy depends on the ideal balance of duration, timing, and environment. According to research, a power nap should last between 10 and 20 minutes in order to reach stage two sleep without transitioning into a deep sleep or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Furthermore, the best advantages may come from a power sleep in the middle of the day, when a person's circadian rhythm naturally slows down. To obtain the greatest level of relaxation, it's critical to locate a calm, dark location free of distractions like phones or other technological devices. People can return to work feeling rested and prepared to take on any task at hand with fresh focus and productivity by adhering to these tips for the optimal power nap experience.

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